
ConsultingRFS was founded as an international Consulting company in 2005, with a vision of a flexible working model that harnesses synergies with a wide range of partners. Leveraging the expertise of the founding Principals, RFS works in collaboration with experts from the Forestry field and other key disciplines, building highly-skilled, customized teams to meet the needs of clients, deploying to any geographic area necessary for projects with a fieldwork component. Desk-based assignments are also performed, including high-level Policy work on global best practices and forest product supply chains.

RFS has successfully established an extensive consulting practice over the last 11 years, with a wide range of clients, ranging from privately-held companies, publicly-traded corporations, and major global certification/registration bodies, to government agencies and NGOs. Consulting engagements take many formats, whether short-term contracts on a Project basis; the establishment of an ongoing Letter of Engagement, under which numerous individual Scopes of Work may be assigned; or a Retainer relationship, to support clients’ needs for various kinds of input in a responsive and flexible manner.

RFS has built and led specialized teams with multi-disciplinary expertise to engage in projects around the world, and RFS Principals have participated in engagements led by our peers. The company’s international experience includes work in: Angola, Argentina, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Germany, Guatemala, Guyana, Holland, Honduras, Indonesia, Mexico, The Netherlands, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, The Philippines, Puerto Rico, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Uruguay, the UK, and the US.